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What A Difference A Walk Makes

Eighteen Months ago I started working with the Anthony Robbins program “Get The Edge.” One of the rituals I adopted was walking daily — preferably in the morning. Tony suggested upon rising, but that took a bit to get used to!

At first, I walked at all hours, but I found the morning was really the best! It not only started my day off “with the success” of doing something good FOR ME, it also enabled me to walk and “not” be interrupted. You do not meet many people in the morning, and if you do, they are usually there for the same reason — you just say hello and keep going!

While walking not only helped me get rid of the 20 pounds I gained after 911, it also enables me to be more “in touch with me, my feeling, creativity and nature!” A revelation for someone who never walked and drove all over! (I sold my car almost two years ago and had not used it much for the five years before! But... I was so connected to my computer, I hardly left it!)

The best part of walking is that my creative juices run wild. Something I had not experienced before. There is never a time I go walking and do not come back with a few good ideas — at the least one. When I am really stressed I find that by the time I come back from my walk I am as relaxed as a dish rag.

I now love to walk and make it my business to go at least five days a week (Monday thru Friday). Saturday and/or Sunday are “plus days!”

In summary, the added bonuses to walking are:

  • Walking feels great
  • Walking is good exercise
  • Walking gets my creative juices flowing
  • Walking creates energy
  • Walking is good for my heart
  • Walking is good for me in general
Can you tell... I'm inspired... I just came back from a walk!