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Movable Type Class — Starts 11/7/2004

Eclectic Academy presents the debut of their MovableType class...

Blogging with MovableType

Instructor: Kevin Lawver

This course will walk you through installing, configuring and customizing Movable Type on your computer, and provide instructions for installing it in a hosted environment. There will be a couple interesting projects, and lots of in-depth tutorials for making your Movable Type Blog your own. By the end of class, you should have a Blog, a link log, know how to use Template Tags to customize your Blog, and know how to use third-party tools and some interesting plug-ins to add other kinds of content to your Blog.

Prerequisites: To get the most out of this course, you should have a working knowledge of HTML and your operating system. If you're going to be installing Movable Type on a public web site, you'll also need to know how to use an FTP program, and know your hosting environment (if it meets the requirements for Movable Type, and where you'll need to upload scripts).

See you there!