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JibJab — Brothers At It Again!

I just visited the JibJab website and have to say it's the first thing that made me smile all weekend. The problem is, I can't stop smiling, I feel as if my face will freeze! Or... freeze and crack, or just crack! Ah heck! It's great, and anyone who can bring that much joy deserves the recognition!

In case you do not know who I am talking about, these are the two brothers — Gregg and Evan Spiridells — who did the Internet film “This Land.” Now you must have seen it, it was all over TV and Gregg and Evan appeared on the Jay Leno show! The film is a riot. AND... they seemed like the nicest guys!

You still do not know who or what I am talking about, ok... I'll bite! Go over to JibJab and click to view “This Land!” After you do that, view the new flick: “Good To Be In DC!” (I am not linking to the films as I want you to go over and view the site. It's worth the trip!

Good luck Greg and Evan! I am thrilled to see that you are charging for your talents. I pray that you make it as big as you want to. You two guy have the talent and should be able to live the American Dream!