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IT'S HERE!!! Movable Type 3 Bible...

My Movable Type 3 Bible arrived today from John Wiley for review. I almost kissed the UPS guy when he handed it to me! (I was waiting literally months for its publication!)

Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition
Author: Rogers Cadenhead
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: John John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0764573888

Purchase / Save $8.00

NOTE: You might have to back order. It should be shipping any day now. Mine is a review copy and just arrived less than 24 hours ago. IF you are really interested don't let this stop you from ordering.

At first glance it is a cute sight, easy to handle and take with you for reading away from the computer... unlike most of the other phone-book size Bible Books I own.

The index is logical for finding what you need right away. It is written in easy to understand verbiage and is sprinkled with lots of “readable” screen shots and examples. For example: There was a section on how the date could appear on the bottom of each Movable Type Blog entry. After a generous description and explanation of how this can be done, there was an actual example of how the date would appear using a particular set of codes. (I realize you would expect this in a book, but I have seen some that do not do it. Leaving you more bewildered when trying to archive a particular function.)

I will be spending some time with this book over the weekend and will get back to you sometime next week, or before. There are certain things that I am interested in and hopefully will find them easily within the covers of this book... Right now I am reading on how to rid myself of SPAM in the Comment Section of the Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition.

Stay tuned for more...

For those who would like one of their very own, here is a link to purchase. Amazon is selling at a 32% discount which make the book even more delightful. It's a fabulous gift for those either using Movable Type already or contemplating Web Blogging.

Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition
Purchase / Save $8.00