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Growing up at 60!

I took Friday off — the computer — to just rest, think, regroup and do some much needed reorganizing... and cleaning! However, if you were here and looked around... It does not look like I did much. But... in reality I went to sleep a happy camper, feeling as if I had been productive in the day's challenges!

What's always nice about cleaning is that I feel like I am on a treasure hunt. I find things that I misplaced and/or have not seen in a great while. Actually these treasures were just hiding — or temporarily buried — under piles of papers and books. It is always a revelation and I feel as if I were just handed a priceless gift!

It seems the older I get the less time I take for myself. I do not mean to do this, it just is and I AM NOT happy with it! As you can see... Something is wrong with this picture... AND... I am the ONLY one who can change it! It's a daily challenge, and one I feel I am winning.

Believe it or not... “I feel like I am growing up at 60!”