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STARTING NOVEMBER 1 — 25 Days of Grateful...

25 Days of Grateful!

For me and many the upcoming holiday season is greeted with an array of mixed emotions.

It occurred to me about 2 minutes ago, I could possibly make a small difference in someone else's life if I shared “at least one” of the many things I am grateful for on a daily basis. So, for the 25 days “until” Thanksgiving, Thursday November 25, 2004 I will be doing just that.

MY OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate how “even at the bleakest of times” there is always something to be grateful for!

NOTE: Although I was never really ungrateful, I became more grateful and pay tribute to it on a daily basis since I was introduced to the Anthony Robbins programs last May 2003. Tony is big on being grateful and his programs taught me to be as well. I have probably experienced my happiest times in the last 18 months because of a tiny ritual I do upon waking most days — it is rarely done later in the day — because it is easier to “build on success!”


Almost 20-years ago I lost my very best friend a few days before Thanksgiving. Due to the pain, to this day... I have never been able to memorialize her existence except for the tribute which appears on my Thanksgiving Day holiday website.

Thanksgiving in CyberSpace

Some of us never experienced “unconditional friendship.” I have been twice blessed with this type of friendship. If nothing else... that is... something to be grateful for! It has made me a better and more compassionate person!

Prior to her passing I spent most Thanksgivings and Christmases with Pat and her family. It was a given and after she was gone I took to vacationing during the Christmas weekend. As time passed and wounds began to heal I stopped hiding in the holiday trips and just luxuriated in the warm memories of holidays past!

I hope my little project will help and encourage those of you who are feeling blue during the upcoming holiday season to look deep within yourselves for what you just might feel should come from others! It is not easy and it takes work, but it is “A FREE” gift we can give ourselves — NO STRINGS ATTACHED!


Roz, this is a very good thing you are doing and I applaud you for it. All of us should be grateful and not take everything for granted.. Onward, my friend. Ann