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Photo Plus Expo — NYC / October 21-23, 2004

October 21-23, 2004
Jacob Javits Convention Center
New York, NY

CHECK IT OUT: http://www.photoplusexpo.com/photoplusexpo/index.jsp

TO REGISTER: http://www.photoplusexpo.com/photoplusexpo/registration/index.jsp

If you do not go to any other event, PhotoPlus Expo is the one to attend. IF... you are interested in, or are in this industry, you absolutely do not want to miss this show!

I have attended the last two or three and plan on attending this one! Each year it gets better and better... And the exhibitor list keeps on growing and growing! As my interests and skills expand so does my enjoyment and knowledge!

Last year at this time I was in the market for a digital camera. I knew what I wanted — kind of — but after talking to two exhibitors I realized I was way over my head and out of my league! But... IF you know about cameras and camera equipment... “this is” the place to visit... with everyone “all-in-one place!” For me, this was too overwhelming, so I made a mental note to visit with B&H Photo on 9th Avenue in NYC.

Next, I combed the directory to see who was there and off I went to visit with some of my favorites:

If you use any of these company's products you really need to attend this show. The demonstrations are to die for!