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Looking Through Grateful Eyes!

For anyone who has been following Blog Views By Roz this week, you know I had laser eye surgery — Yag Laser Surgery — on Tuesday. Yag Laser Surgery is somtimes called the “Surgery For The Cataract After The Cataract!” More information can be found here:

So far so good... I feel like someone turned the lights on. I had not realized just how bad it was, as mine was progressive, and did not come on all at once. My doctor had been after me for a long time to have the procedure and my unfounded fears prevented me from agreeing. I am now wondering if I am a masochist at heart, as I could have had this procedure done at least a year to two ago and been seeing crystal clear! I literally waited until the last minute when I finally realized there were no more choices: “I was reading small type through a magnifying glass which I carried around with me in my fanny pack!”

To make things worse... for me, the surgery was done twice. I was going through a (personal) traumatic time back in April and chose to change doctors. It was like I took leave of my senses and went to someone completely different than the doctor who was treating me all along and who had performed both my cataract surgeries successfully. All I can say is... “G_d must have been sitting on my shoulder” as the first doctor could have done irreversible damage instead of the inadequate job he did do. THANK YOU G_D!

After the first surgery I was left seeing distortions and haziness. To make things worse, I feared that I was seeing all this craziness because I was losing my eye sight! When I called the fist doctor he told me this was normal and that he could do nothing about it. When I had been there he totally refused to do any further laser surgery! (Once I found out that he caused this I would not have let him touch me even if he wanted to. In my opinion he is a menace and should not be allowed to practice medicine!)

The procedure was finally redone by my regular ophthalmologist and I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to him. IF I could only package the feelings of elation and wonderment I felt as I browsed the local mall four days after the procedure! I felt like a kid in a candy store looking at everything for the first time and totally able to see it! To be able to see clearly from one end of the store to the other was a luxury that I had not experienced in quite some time. I revelled in the brilliance of the store lights shining brightly against the pitch black darkness of the sky! I had not realized just how bad it was. To think the first doctor told me “There was nothing wrong and this was normal!” Imagine someone who is supposed to be dedicated to helping people see better, leaving someone in such a state! You might be wondering why I am writing this. Well... for a variety of reasons:

  • to share my good fortune
  • to tell you “not” to take your eyesight for granted
  • to urge you to be careful who you trust your eyes to
  • to urge you NOT to make important decisions when you are under stress

I know you know this... but, IF you are going through any kind of emotional issues, NEVER make important decisions, especially with your health or the health of a loved one!