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Two Little Words / Monumental Meaning!

One of my discussion group members sent a note through the group how unappreciated he feels. He stated that he belongs to a variety of discussion groups and spends a good deal of his personal time helping and sharing information and “rarely” does anyone say “Thank you!” Having felt this way myself — a few times — I could sympathize!

It is my belief... people are generally good and well meaning — and... very busy multitasking. However there seems to be some misconceptions where the Internet is concerned! I believe... people need to be educated to the fact that just because a complete stranger — who they may never meet or talk to personally — helps them on the Internet via email, that same stranger STILL deserves acknowledgement for giving of themselves, their knowledge and their precious time.

Please remember... the phrase “Thank You” may be two little words, but their meaning is monumental — AND FREE!

NOTE: It is those very strangers — on the Internet — who have made the biggest difference and impact on my life to date! As well... I hope I have returned the favor and continue to do so!


Thanks for the great blog. Thanks for all your info here! ..::ElectricBarBarElla::..