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Invasion of the Popups!

It seems I must have gone where I was not supposed to and my computer has been invaded by Spyware and Popups — Inundated would be more accurate!

To date... I have tried Ad-Aware and SpyBot Search & Destroy to no avail. As well I have run Norton AntiVirus and turned off all ActiveX features within the Security tab of IE6. The culprit is hanging on for dear life!

Oh well! I suppose after being on the web all these years I was do! Will report back when it has been fixed!


Hi Roz, Like you site(s). I just spent about 20 minutes perusing them. Great stuff. About the adware.. I just had a similiar problem. But I actually had a virus, "TrojanStartpage" or something like that. It hi-jacked my browser and kept taking me to a site that sells 'spyware' (which sometime, I undersand, plants it.. ). I ended restoring to factory settings, which sucked. I now have Norton 2004 pro. It detects adware and gives instructions on its removal, if already there. Of course, I got it after the fact, lol. Removal involves going into a Windows 'no man's land'; the registry. Then there is starting in safe mode, rescanning, manual deletion of files, blah, blah, blah. A real pain! That pc is my older pc, so I just restored to factory.. it was easier. Have you deleted yours cookies, and the contents of you temp folder? Windows XP allows the option of being informed when a site trys to leave a cookie, and gives you the option to accept it or not, and to apply you decision to all cookies from that particular site. I do that and found, that it helps a lot. When I go back to sites I frequent, I'm less inundated by pop ups. By the way, I am hoping that you'll have an encore of the telesiminar about networking again soon (there was one yesterday). I just, today, found about about them, and could really use the information offered in that one, as I'm trying to start a business, myself).