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FREE Teleseminar -- Working With a Virtual Assistant

DATE: WEDNESDAY — August 25, 2004

Another — FREE — seminar hosted by Annie Jennings Pr.

NOTE: In my opinion... you cannot afford to not attend these seminars. They are the best and FREE to boot! Please read on, this seminar offers many ADDITIONAL benefits to the attendees. You'll kick yourself if you miss them! (And if you are like me, you probably have enough black and blues — from missed opportunities!)

"Everything You Need To Know About Working with a Virtual Assistant" with 24 Hour Secretary & Virtual Assistant, Sharon Williams.

Boost your productivity by discovering the power of working with virtual assistant! Learn to work smarter, not harder, by using the cutting edge virtual support strategy that many successful authors and experts are using for maximum impact.

Virtual assistant, Sharon Williams of The 24 Secretary, reveals the insider secrets of working with a virtual assistant from how to find a top quality virtual assistant, to how to structure the fee schedule, to evaluating results and lots more.

You'll learn what projects could be assigned to your virtual assistant (you won't believe how much they can do for you!), how to make sure the work is being done according to your specifications as well as the overall skillset your virtual assistant should possess and red flags that you are working with the wrong person.

Sharon Williams offers all attendees a free "needs assessment evaluation" followed by a free 30 minute no obligation consultation by one of her team members. Also one lucky attendee who completes the evaluation will be selected to win 5 hours of virtual service from The 24 Hour Secretary. More value: Teleseminars attendees also received a Special Report called "101 Ways To Use A Virtual Assistant".

Wednesday, August 25th 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern
(10:00 AM PT, 11:00 AM MT, 12N CT)

Scroll down to SUBMIT to receive your Bridge Line # and Pin # you need for the Teleseminar or browse through more selections below and choose to attend more! Our teleseminars are FREE with my compliments!

MORE: All Teleseminar Sign Ups Get Annie's FREE Publicity CD "Create The Perfect PR Strategy"