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FREE Networking Strategy CD...

I have gotten numerous requests for more information about the FREE Networking Teleseminar I attended at Annie Jennings PR http://www.anniejenningspr.com on Wednesday afternoon.

At the time of this posting a FREE CD of the teleseminar is available just for the asking.

The seminar was entitled: It's Who You Know! Effective Business Networking Strategy With Al Lautenslager

It was obvious to all that Mr. Lautenslager's title of Guerrilla Marketing Expert was well deserved. He was very generous in sharing his expertise and skills in network marketing with the teleseminar audience. His personable nature made it more fun than work and the hour flew by in record time. So much information was shared that it left my head swimming with ideas. (I wish I had my CD here with me right now as it would be an additional shot in the arm for my current marketing project!) The message I took away with me from the seminar was: “You could do this!”

As someone who attended the seminar, I can honestly say it left me more than a little motivated and energized. We never realize that everyone we come in contact with is a possible networking contact. As well... “we” in turn, are possible networking contacts for them! It is good to remember... this networking business “is” a two-way street.

On a more personal note... I find when someone is nice to me “even not trying to be” I am more than a little willing to help them “even though” they “never” asked me to!

To obtain your FREE Networking CD go to: http://www.anniejenningspr.com/teleseminars/freeteleseminartapes.htm Scroll down and click on the link that says: It's Who You Know! Effective Business Networking Strategy “FREE” Teleseminar CD With Al Lautenslager and fill our the form.

Make it a point to visit Annie Jennings PR to see what's on the FREE Teleseminar agenda!

Believe it or not, this “is” networking without even trying!

Don't forget to tell Annie I sent you!


Roz, thanks for the nice comments. What I like even more is that you are practicing the things I shared. Let me know if I can help in any other way. I love your blog. Al.